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Educating and inspiring action for a more just and peaceful world


Welcome to CISV London!


Enjoy browsing and discover how, through fun activities and building friendships across the globe, we can together work towards a better world!


Who we are

CISV International is a global not-for-profit organization dedicated to educating and inspiring for peace through building inter-cultural friendship, cooperation and understanding. Founded in 1950, CISV International is today a federation of 70 members associations with over 200 Chapters or local groups.

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What we do

CISV educates and inspires action for a more just and peaceful world. We offer an exciting blend of seven educational programmes and amazing volunteer opportunities for children and young people. All these programmes are organized and run by dedicated volunteers. We aim to help our participants of all ages to develop the skills they need to take a lead and make positive difference.


How can I take part?

Whether you have time, money or ideas, there’s always an interesting way to support CISV.
